
Hi I am Bhargav,
I am developer(student) at Foundamental gmbH, Berlin, Germany where I am building an internal CRM SAAS product called Loura. I am also a student at TU Ilmenau, where I am pursuing my masters in RCSE.
I have a hunger to learn more and create meaningful products. I love my job as a developer, working on software that help people ease their lives. Being an electronics engineer, for the effort I put in to learn and still learning today, I can say am living my dream. Hence, I do not restrict the type of work I do or the technologies I work with. I am always open to learning and exploring new things.
I am enthusiastic about NextJS, Typescript, GraphQL. I use Jest for API testing and Storybook for documentation and frontend tests. I have started working with Python for data science projects at work. I am also learning about Edgedb and n8n

Work Experience

  • App Developer Foundamental gmBh March 2023 - present

    My work mainly involves around Loura, internal CRM tool. I work on the frontend with Nextjs, Typescript, GraphQL, NestJS. Backend with Edgedb. For automation I use n8n hosted on onsite server. Loura is deployed on GCP with Kubernetes.

    I use Python for data science related projects which help scrape data for startups and feed into our existing applications.

  • Fullstack Dev(student) Fraunhofer IOSB March 2022 - March 2023

    I worked on the frontend for state gas pipeline data using VueJs with Vite, dynamically rendering drawio diagrams. Created a headless service to process diagrams and map data to SVG parts, and deployed it in a Docker container. Using InfluxDB and Graphana, enabling real-time data visualization as part of a larger project to monitor and adjust heat consumption from the pipelines.

  • Software Engineer Accenture,India June 2017 - October 2021

    I joined Accenture as a fresher out of college. I graduated with an Electronics degree and had just five days to join the company. I worked for over 4.5 years with technologies like Angular, SQL, Katalon, Shellscript and a few more.


  • Master in Science (Msc) 2021 - present
  • Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany
  • Bachelor of Engineering (BE) 2013 - 2017
  • The National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru, India

Language Skills

  • English 🇬🇧 (fluent)
  • German 🇩🇪 (A1)
  • Kannada 🇮🇳 (fluent)
  • Hindi 🇮🇳 (fluent)
  • Telugu 🇮🇳 (fluent, mothertongue)
  • Hobbies

    I have been practicing photography from a few years now. I just like the process of filmmaking and capturing pictures. Lately, I haven't had the time to go out and shoot, but I have some footage to edit for my documentary on european cities.

    Though I used to dread reading, I was more of a visual learner. I am slowly developing a habit of reading. I generally read about tech, biographies and business. My current read is Mastering the VC Game

    <Coded by Bhargav>